We had a litter born on January 4th. Alex z Padoku x Charismatic’s Darby. Pedigree for litter. We have a couple of black males and black females available to reserve. Puppies will be ready to go home about March 1st.
Please fill out our puppy application if you’re interested in reserving a puppy.
All puppies sold with tails docked, dewclaws removed, current on vaccinations and worming, with health certificate, and AKC registration.
Pups are $2500 with natural ears and limited AKC registration. Certain select puppies offered with full AKC registration are $3500. Optional ear cropping is $700. Optional microchip $55.
Courier delivery options available.
Puppies usually go home at 8 weeks of age immediately following ear cropping. If you are interested in reserving a puppy please fill out and submit our application. Thank you.
Some pups from past litters: